Tell Us about the pup you want Fill the contact form bellow and well be in touch with you shortly Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Puppy Name *KATY FEMALE 11 weeks oldRIO MALE 11 weeks oldSUNSHINE MALE 11 weeks oldBEAR MALE 11 weeks oldMILO MALE 11 weeks oldSUNSHINE MALE 11 weeks oldFINELY MALE 11 weeks oldCHEWIE FEMALE 11 weeks oldCECE FEMALE 11 weeks oldKARIL FEMALE 11 weeks oldDUKE MALE 11 weeks oldMOCHI FEMALE 11 weeks oldWILLOW FEMALE 11 weeks oldTEDDY MALE 11 weeks oldChoice 16What is your name? *Your Email *Phone *Example +1-000-000-0960Your Address *city / state / zipcodeAdditional Message *CommentLet's Connect!